Advisory services provided to dealers of Mercedes-Benz vehicles and dealers of Schmitz Cargobull trailer technology

Z/C/H Legal provided legal advisory services to Hoffmann a Žižák spol. s r.o. and EWT spol. s r.o. and prepared overall template contractual documentation covering their entire business operations, in particular purchase agreements concerning the sale/purchase of vehicles, consignment contracts, vehicle leasing contracts and contracts to loan vehicles for use, including the respective business terms and conditions.

Z/C/H Legal also provided training to dealers at Hoffmann a Žižák spol. s r.o. and EWT spol. s r.o. to acquaint them with the new contractual documentation. Hoffmann a Žižák spol. s r.o. is an authorized dealer and service facility for Mercedes-Benz vehicles, while EWT spol. s r.o. is an authorized dealer of Schmitz Cargobull trailer technology.