Why become a member of TAGLaw?
Do you want to start a business in the American, Italian, or maybe the Chinese market? Do you need a local law firm? Do you Google but still do not know which law firm to choose?
Perhaps you have already started communicating with a foreign law firm because you have been attracted by its catchy website, but the conditions it offers are not quite clear to you. Or you have even started cooperating with a law firm but you were unpleasantly surprised by its invoicing practice. Next time just call us directly.
Our law firm has been for years the only Czech member of the elite international TAGLaw legal alliance, which associates more than 160 law firms from all over the world. Each law firm is carefully checked to see if it meets the Alliance's standards. We can thus recommend you a suitable foreign law firm to help you with your expansion. Last year, for example, in cooperation with the law firm Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp LLP from California, we helped our client in its expansion into the American market.