Z/C/H Legal at Prague Summer School 2016
In July, the 4th annual Prague Summer School will be held in Prague. It is a summer educational event for foreign students offering 3 full weeks of intense seminars, lectures and workshops conducted by renowned professionals. The purpose of this event is the preparation of the participants for their future careers by means of sharing experiences and know-how of recognized experts and learning some hands-on skills through visitations at key legal and commercial institutions.
A partner to our law firm, Mr. Jiří Ctibor, prepares a half-day franchising seminar for the participants of the Prague Summer School 2016. The seminar will be held on July 22, 2016. Mr. Ctibor will inform the attendants about the theory and practice of franchising law, which is his long-term field of professional expertise. He will also outline the latest trends of this progressive and fast-developing field of law, and provide a comparison of approaches the key systems of law worldwide have towards the issues related to franchising.