Z/C/H Legal succeeded in litigations for damage

The law firm Z/C/H Legal successfully represented a public corporation in the litigations where the public corporation defended itself against lawsuits filed for damages on the grounds of a premature termination of the development projects consisting in the building construction of 15 apartment buildings and another 4 apartment buildings. In September 2006, the public corporation announced two selection procedures for the aforesaid development projects in which it sought parties interested in buying the land for the purpose of building two apartment buildings. However, the projects were not completed. The core of the issue was to assess whether or not damage exceeding CZK 50 million had been incurred to the winning applicant – investor (completion of the development project consisting in 15 apartment buildings) as well as damage exceeding CZK 10 million (completion of the development project consisting in 4 apartment buildings) in connection with the completion of the projects on the part of the public corporation. The respective courts fully agreed with legal opinions submitted by the law firm Z/C/H Legal, in particular with the legal opinion stating that the public corporation had not breached the obligation to provide required cooperation in contract execution. In its ruling, the appellate court also stated: „As it follows from the court file, the Defendant’s attorney acted in this litigation with an extraordinary efficiency and professional erudition, and its factual arguments clearly contributed not only to the fact that the proceedings brought success to the Defendant, but also to the swift course of the proceedings.“ The termination of the litigation also caused that the investor’s request for lost profit amounting to CZK 100,000,000 became unfounded.