Mgr. Tomáš Koref
Faculty of Law of Charles University in Prague 2022 (Ph. D.)
Faculty of Law of Charles University in Prague 2015 - 2021 (Mgr.)
Research stay at the Faculty of Law, University of Graz 2021
Studies at the Faculty of Law, University of Dresden 2019 - 2020
Diploma in EU and English Law, British Law Centre, Juris Angliae Scientia 2016 – 2018
Member of the Czech Bar Association since 2021
About Tomáš
Prior to becoming a lawyer, Tomáš participated in internship programmes at the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic and the District Court for Prague 5. During his studies, Tomáš also spent two semesters at universities in Germany and Austria. He started his professional career as a junior lawyer at a traditional Czech law firm offering their services for both domestic and international clients. Apart from being a professional lawyer, Tomáš also pursues his academic interests as an internal PhD student at the Faculty of Law of Charles University.
Tomáš provides legal services mainly in the area of the law of obligations, construction law and competition law. His other fields of expertise are litigation and constitutional law.
Presence in media
Lidská práva na roz(s)cestí: Abduktivní úsudek při rozhodování kolizí základních práv: mezi intuicí a metodologií, 2022
- Porušuje konkurence Váš patent? Braňte se, 09/2022
Proměny střední Evropy: Polský paradox po roce 1989, 2017