
MPs opposed the proposal to increase court fees

MPs opposed the proposal to increase court fees

The proposal for a significant increase of court fees did not even pass the first debate in the Assembly of Deputies.

News in the contracts to discharge office

News in the contracts to discharge office

With effect from 1 January 2021, new rules apply to contracts for the performance of office in capital companies.

News in the liability of statutory bodies

News in the liability of statutory bodies

S účinností novely zákona o obchodních korporacích se zásadně mění koncept odpovědnosti členů statutárních orgánů.

Inheritance in insolvency proceedings

Inheritance in insolvency proceedings

Inheritance in insolvency proceedings – how to deal with assets and liabilities in insolvency proceedings

New members of our ZCH team of lawyers

New members of our ZCH team of lawyers

In recent months, we have welcomed new team members at ZCH.

Christmas gifts may be perilous

Christmas gifts may be perilous

On the pages of today's issue of Hospodářské noviny, you will find an article about non-traditional Christmas gifts.

Does the bank guarantee ensure a good night’s sleep?

Does the bank guarantee ensure a good night’s sleep?

The lawyer in our office JUDr. Lukáš Žáček and legal trainee Mgr. Vojtěch Kadlec have prepared an article for you on the topic of the pitfalls of bank guarantees.

Advocacy is still winning the fight against the pandemic

Advocacy is still winning the fight against the pandemic

Wondering how our law firm is coping with the corona virus pandemic?



We are celebrating another extraordinary success! Z/C/H Legal became the Recommended Law Firm of the Year 2020 in the category of Development and Real Property Projects in the ranking of EPRAVO.CZ.

Vacation in uncertain times

Vacation in uncertain times

The current issue of the Právní rádce magazine from the Economia publishing house contains an article titled “Vacation in uncertain times: How to choose a trip for next year and not lose money"

Franchising on the rise

Franchising on the rise

The more popular and successful franchising is in the Czech Republic, the less relevant literature is available.

COVID-19 a odstoupení od smlouvy o zájezdu - en

COVID-19 a odstoupení od smlouvy o zájezdu - en

The Covid-19 epidemic is gaining momentum again, and new restrictive measures are on the way that are likely to further limit our daily lives.

Beware of fraudulent checks

Beware of fraudulent checks

A new wave of fraud with worthless or even false checks has appeared in the Czech Republic.

Practical Advice for Creditors in Insolvency Proceedings Webinar

Practical Advice for Creditors in Insolvency Proceedings Webinar

Then do not hesitate and register for our free webinar focusing on the position of creditors in insolvency proceedings.

Is court always the only place to get justice?

Is court always the only place to get justice?

Fine reading for the upcoming weekend for both conflicting and non-conflicting personalities.

IFLR1000 yet again awarded the work of our colleagues

IFLR1000 yet again awarded the work of our colleagues

The prestigious international rating agency IFLR1000 yet again awarded the work of our colleagues in the field of financial and corporate law, as we have been ranked among the best law firms providing legal advice in this area.