Konference Právo & Praxe 2021
Summer holidays are (unfortunately) over, but we still have a lot to look forward to in the autumn!
The Czech Bar Association and EPRAVO.CZ are organizing the eighth annual Law and Practice Conference on 16 September 2021 ⚖ https://bit.ly/3BRJx7w
The conference will offer a lot of interesting topics, the latest insights from legal practice and case law or reflections on current legislative issues.
One of the speakers is Jiří Ctibor, a partner of our law firm, who will share his experience with foreign employment law trends in franchise concepts.
If you would like to learn as much as possible about franchising, we recommend that you do not hesitate to purchase Jiri's book called Franchising, which offers a comprehensive summary of the most important things franchising can offer to you and your business.